Jesus said, “Where two or more are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst.” Spiritual direction is a gathering together of two in the name of Jesus—the spiritual director and the directed—to help a person develop a closer relationship with God and to better discern how the Holy Spirit is leading in his or her life.
Spiritual direction is an ongoing relationship between two adults, one of whom is trained and certified to assist the other in discerning God’s presence and activity in his or her life. Several spiritual directors are available to assist young adults in discerning their needs.
If you would like to connect with a priest or religious in our diocese, please contact the Office of Youth, Young Adult, and Pastoral Juvenil Ministry.
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati was dedicated to works of social action, charity, prayer and community. He was involved with Catholic youth and student groups, the Apostleship of Prayer, Catholic Action, and was a third order Dominican. Frassati died in 1925 at the age of 24. He was called “The Man of Eight Beatitudes” by St. John Paul II, who beatified him on May 20, 1990. Blessed Frassati’s feast day is July 4.