Welcome to the Tribunal of the Diocese of Knoxville. We exist to serve the ministry of Justice in the Church. Our purpose is to assist the faithful who make a petition to the Tribunal to arrive at the truth of the case and to uphold the justice of the cause. Most of our work involves questions about the status of one’s marriage, also known as a Petition for a Declaration of Nullity. I would like to acknowledge that, for most people, this process brings up many emotions and memories that are painful to deal with. Our hope is that we can provide an environment that is sensitive to these realities while also providing you assistance to arrive at the saving truth of the marriage in question. It is our goal to help navigate you through the many requirements the law of the Catholic Church has established to ensure Justice, Equity and ultimately the Salvation of Souls.
Our staff at the Tribunal is dedicated to the prayerful and pastoral application of the laws of the Church in order to ensure that all people are served with fairness, the rights of all are defended and our duties towards God and neighbor are fulfilled.
I ask you to join us in prayer through this process, entrusting your cause to Jesus, the Gentle Judge and Shepherd of our Souls. I also encourage you to see an example of holy patience and perseverance in Sts. Anna and Simeon, the two holy people mentioned in the Gospel of Luke (Lk 2:22-38). They both persevered in the Temple of the Lord awaiting the day when the Lord would come to them in the person of Jesus Christ. This may be a long process, but I pray that, with God’s Grace, it may be one that leads you closer to the Lord by way of healthy and honest self-examination. Our ultimate goal is the truth of the case before us, and the truth will set us free (John 8:32).
In Christ Jesus the Gentle Judge,
Very. Rev. J. David Carter, JCL
Judicial Vicar