The annual Chrism Mass, in which sacramental oils are blessed and priests renew their vows, will be celebrated Monday, March 25, at 7 p.m. at the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Mass will also be live-streamed.
You can still get involved in the Synod on the important theme of synodality: “For a synodal Church: communion, participation, and mission.” Learn more about the Synod, read the Synod report, and respond the latest diocesan survey.
The season of Lent brings with it newness and growth, as in the hundreds of catechumens and candidates who will be entering into full communion with the Catholic Church at Easter.
Nearly 370 Catholic school educators and administrators representing all 10 Diocese of Knoxville schools gathered on Feb. 20 at Sacred Heart Cathedral School for their annual professional-development day.
Spelling bees, talent shows, and pep rallies. Tournaments, dress-up days, and special Masses. Fun events and programs such as these marked the 50th anniversary of Catholic Schools Week, which was celebrated Jan. 28–Feb. 3 across the country.
Como parte del compromiso de la Diócesis de Knoxville de responder al llamado del Papa Francisco a la sinodalidad, la diócesis ha programado dos sesiones de escucha abiertas a cualquiera que desee participar el sábado 16 de marzo a las 10:30 a. m. y el martes 19 de marzo a las 6:30 p. m. en la Cancillería de Knoxville.