The newest work of art on display at St. Mary School in Johnson City, a mosaic, is the fruit of their own staff member’s labor. Felicia Gregory has been the art teacher at St. Mary since 2017 and began this project as a way to upcycle lids from baby food pouches that her children were consuming at the time.
In July, about a dozen catechists and teachers attended training at St. Mary School in Oak Ridge for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. The training for level two of the catechesis program prepared the catechists to present content and materials geared for grades 1-3.
Catholic Charities of East Tennessee and St. Mary’s Legacy Clinic are partnering on a unique ministry that provides a shot in the arm to health care in Scott County, which has joined the ranks of rural areas where the dedicated practice of medicine is at risk.
On the weekend of Oct. 15-16, a special collection will take place at all Masses to help support the Diocese of Knoxville’s deacon formation program. Deacons bring the Gospel and the gift of themselves to soup kitchens, food banks, prisons, hospitals – serving in their parish and in the community.