The Diocese of Knoxville review board functions as a confidential consultative body to the bishop. The majority of its members are laypersons not in the employ of the Diocese of Knoxville. The board is to advise the diocesan bishop in his assessment of any allegations of sexual abuse of minors and in his determination of a cleric’s suitability for ministry. The Diocesan Review Board regularly reviews diocesan policies and procedures for dealing with sexual abuse of minors. The Diocesan Review Board meets as a body at least once per year.
Diocesan Review Board By-laws (May 16, 2022)
Robert H. Kosky, Jr., Chairman
Maria Armento, Ph.D.
Very Rev. David Carter, JCL, JV, Ex Officio
D. Jeannine Dalton, Esq.
Dr. Gail Marie Walter
Christopher J. Manning
Rev. Christopher Floersh
Jennifer Mills, Ex Officio
Very Rev. Father Doug Owens, MOC, Ex Officio
Ward Phillips, Ex Officio
Jeff Parsons
Diocese of Knoxville procedure for reporting sexual abuse:
Anyone with actual knowledge of or who has reasonable cause to suspect an incident of sexual abuse should report such information to the appropriate civil authorities first, and also to the diocesan victim's assistance coordinator. As of 2022, the number to reach the victim's assistance coordinator is 865-321-9080.
updated January 2024